Beth Wolf is heading up the PCOS Walk-a-Thon in Nashua, NH, and the PCOS Virtual Walk-a-Thon which is anywhere (on planet Earth, at least for now) where you happen to be with a desire to walk for PCOS. Here is her story.
Blessed to have PCOS
By Beth Wolf
One day, after being un-diagnosed for years, I was told I had PCOS. I spent the next few years sitting on my behind feeling sorry for myself. I felt like I was the only one out there and I had no hope of a better life. Then all of a sudden, I figured out what could motivate me to get off the couch. I would start a walk-a-thon to raise money for PCOS research and awareness. I didn't care if I was the only one out there walking. I told all my friends and family as well as posted it everywhere before I could change my mind. Then I went in search of somewhere to give my money to. I could find nothing. I was turned down by several places including a hospital. I gave up. A few months later, I received an e-mail asking me if I was still doing the walk and if I could give them a pledge form because they wanted to walk with me. I felt re-newed knowing there is someone else out there that wanted this. During my crazy moment of trying to figure out how to tell them I couldn't do it, my dear husband went in search of places to donate for PCOS. He found an article about a research foundation that was started because of my contacting all these places when I had originally decided to walk. I was amazed, overwhelmed and a wreck (in a good way). I couldn't believe that just little old me could spark something like that to happen. The article was by Monika Woosley and she started the InCyst Institute for Hormone Health. She created it to helps fund research about hormone disorders with a focus on alternative/nutritional/complementary treatments that are difficult to find funding for. I contacted her right away and she put me in touch with other people in my area that could be of help for my walk. Before long, we even had a hospital telling us they would sponsor us. I was amazed at all this happening so quickly.
Now we have a website http://www.PowerUpforPCOS.com and we use it for information about our upcoming walk-a-thon and virtual walk-a-thon as well as sponsor information. Our site also has a calendar to view upcoming PCOS events in your area and useful links about PCOS. We are currently working on a place where women can submit reviews on professionals who have treated them for PCOS. Professionals will be able to submit their listings as well. And finally, we are gathering a network of women in each state so they may understand they are not alone in this and get together for support and different PCOS eventsOn to our walk-a-thon events:
Join us for the Power Up for PCOS Walk-a-thon to raise funds for the inCYST Institute of Hormone Health. The InCyst Institute for Hormone Health helps fund research about hormone disorders with a focus on alternative/nutritional/complementary treatments that are difficult to find funding for.
We have 2 different walks going on. First we have the Walk-a-thon in Nashua, NH on September 17th. Then we have the Virtual Walk-a-thon on September 18th which you can choose your own location for. To become a walker, simply visit http://www.powerupforpcos.com/ and choose which walk you would like to attend. Download the pledge forms and start raising some money for a great cause.