If you're on this blog, chances are you don't sleep well. The majority of women with PCOS that we've surveyed have some sort of sleep disorder. Chances are, your spouse isn't sleeping that well either. (I've actually had a couple of clients who became pregnant after the husbands started paying more attention to their bedtime hour!)
Poor sleep can lead to increased insulin levels, weight gain…all the things you're likely trying to resolve if you have PCOS and would like to either lose weight, conceive, or both.
We've developed a special event for people who don't sleep well. And, knowing that the last thing you really want to do on a beautiful Southern California Saturday…is sit inside and listen to a bunch of dry medical lectures…we've created an agenda that would be fun even if you DIDN'T come to learn about better sleep.
The first Insomniacfest will be held on Saturday, July 24, 2010, in Marina del Rey, California. We've got a few things happening on the beach: a yoga class and a didgeridoo session. We've got fun, sleep-friendly food and drink (including our own signature alcohol-free drink, The Knockout, pictured above.) Opaque Restaurant is also providing a dark dining experience you won't soon forget.
Sandie West, our friend at Creative Chakra Spa, is hosting the event, and we've made room for you to add on massages and special light therapy to your day.
Consider spending the day with us! Our Facebook group is the best place to keep up with event and registration details.