If you're looking for pasta alternatives, consider soba noodles. This gluten-free Japanese creation is made with buckwheat, a food with potential multiple health benefits. Buckwheat has repeatedly been shown to improve blood lipids, by lowering blood pressure, total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides, and raising good cholesterol (HDL). It has also been reported to prevent the development of gallstones
Buckwheat is also a potent cancer fighter. It contains anthocyanin compounds (yes, that stuff that makes blueberries so healthy!), and it has been shown to fight tumor growth in a respectable list of body parts.
Photo credit: http://www.thekitchn.com/
Buckwheat is also good for people with insulin resistance. In one study, people who did not regularly consume buckwheat were five times more likely to have hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) than those who did. When it comes to our recent theme of increasing protein and maximizing muscle mass, buckwheat has been found to be a good vegan protein source for accomplishing this goal.
If you have been following my interest in bees and colony collapse disorder (important to PCOS because many hormone-friendly foods are dependent on bees for pollination), eating soba noodles is good for bee health as well. Provided the buckwheat is organic and not laced with pesticide, one acre of the crop supports an entire hive of bees, important in US locations where bees have been found to be declining because of exposure to neonicotinides used on corn. And buckwheat honey is good for you as well; it has a reputation for its antioxidant and antifungal content. You can make a difference! Increasing demand for crops that are healthy for everyone in the ecocycle is a win-win situation.
One note for celiacs: soba is only partially buckwheat. Be sure you read the labels and use a brand like Eden 100% Whole Buckwheat Soba.
The photo above is from a blog post I found on Pinterest. The recipe looked easy and like it was a great noncommittal Americanized way to put a little soba on your plate.
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