It's that time of year again, asparagus time!
I just love this veggie. You can eat it raw, steam it to go with your favorite fish, saute it and add it to your breakfast omelet, or marinate it in your favorite vinaigrette. If you're grilling your fish, you can put the aspargus out there just before serving time and cook it that way. One of my good friends taught me to cook asparagus in the microwave--just cover it with a paper towel and zap it for a very short time. So easy you'll wonder why you ever thought vegetables are high maintenance.
If that doesn't inspire you, here are 230 more ideas that hopefully will! http://allrecipes.com/Recipes/Everyday-Cooking/Spring/Asparagus/Main.aspx
And did you know asparagus is a decent source of folic acid…which you need lots of if you're even thinking of getting pregnant? It also contains iron, something women can have a hard time getting into their diet.
My mom loves white asparagus, which in her native Germany is called"Spargel". It's a little harder to find here in the United States…but if you have a chance to try it you won't be disappointed. It's essentially a"blond" or"albino" asparagus, grown covered in soil to prevent photosynthesis, resulting in a less bitter version.
Next time you're in the grocery store I hope you think of this post and bring some home for yourself!