Something I observe, fairly frequently with PCOS, is a tendency to not ask for things you need, and to assume that what you see in front of you is the only way something can be. Every time you choose not to take action in a situation because of that assumption, you lose out on the opportunity to get what you want. When you do not get what you want because you did not pursue what you want…you are not a victim, because it is the natural outcome of the choice you consciously made for yourself.

Over the weekend, I was at the Natural Products West Expo in Anaheim, and I ran into John Sorial of Ta Dah! Foods, who I had met at last year's expo. My friend Ivonne and I love, love, loved his Mediterranean hummus and falafel wraps. (Doesn't that one up top look tasty?) Except when I looked at the label, they were made with one of the"s" and" c" oils we encourage you all to avoid. I was so sad, that the thing we wanted the most to recommend…we could not. so I introduced myself, explained why the oil was a concern, and asked if there was ever a possibility that he would use either olive or oil. he explained that when he moved into his new manufacturing facility, which allowed more ingredient options, he would consider the suggestion.
And guess what? He changed his oil! So excited to tell all of you about these new options for quick and easy meals.

After I returned, I posted a photo of me with some of our Zing friends on the inCYST fan page. A fan from Canada expressed disappointment that Zing Bars could not be shipped to Canada. I encouraged her to write and place a request…and guess what? She will be getting her Zing in Eastern Canada.

If you don't see something in the store, ask for it. If you have a suggestion for how a company can be better, share it.
What have you got to lose, except for not getting what you want?