I just received word from Lori Corbin that the story we shot several months ago about PCOS will be airing this afternoon on Los Angeles' ABC-7. We are so grateful to Lori for giving us time to tell a few stories…Amber's specifically, and the story of PCOS in general.
Most importantly, we are grateful to Amber for putting herself out there on behalf of women everywhere. It took a lot of moxie!
If this is the first time you have ever heard of us, and you were moved enough after Lori's story to come here for a visit, welcome! I hope that the inCYST concept we have been building over the last 15 years has something of value for YOU.
We started out as a small network of health professionals who wanted to be as educated about PCOS as possible, so we could better serve them. Along the way, we have learned a lot:
--There are an awful lot of women suffering silently with PCOS. They often feel very alone…when in fact, 1 in 5 of you on the planet have it!
--There is a lot of bad information out there, and a lot of people waiting to capitalize on your distress.
--Your problems are not always taken seriously.
--The stress of being given this diagnosis is extreme, often to the point of being paralyzing.
--Many of the most effective treatments for this diagnosis do not even appear in research journals because they are natural, not able to be patented, and therefore not likely to be funded by drug companies.
--We do feel a sense of urgency about inspiring all of you. We know we're working against a lot of depression and fear of change, but we also know the many extremely serious consequences of not taking action. So while we are very passionate about our women, we try to present a combination of posts and information that balances between making you feel safe with us, and information that gets your attention enough that your old comfort zone no longer feels so comfortable. We want to keep you around for a long time!
We have seen some great results with our small network, and last year decided to start a research institute to raise money to be sure some of the most important treatments get researched and published. As well as to test some of our own findings to see if they hold up to scientific scrutiny.
We would love to help you personally! Our list of network members is on the right, and many of us Skype if you do not see your location listed. We have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a radio show, and a monthly newsletter. Please take advantage of all of them!
We could also really use your support of our research foundation! We are brand new, and still getting our name out there. Donations of time, talents, money, no matter what size, are deeply appreciated.
Our sister organization, Power Up for PCOS, has also been very busy organizing local Power Up groups for women who are ready to be proactive about PCOS. Their organizer, Beth Wolf, regularly reminds her group that women with PCOS who are managing that diagnosis with diet, exercise, and stress management, are actually healthier than women without the syndrome. So we like to think that a diagnosis is not a death sentence, but a wakeup call, inviting you to give yourself permission to treat yourself in the way that you deserve.
Power Up has some fun fundraisers, including an annual walk-a-thon, and an online store with items created by women with PCOS. We hope you find something that interests you enough to get involved!
Most importantly, we're glad you found us! Thanks for stopping by!
Please contact me directly if you have any questions. I divide my time between Los Angeles and Phoenix, and also make time for conversations with women around the globe.
Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD
CEO and Founder
InCYST Institute for Hormone Health