Yesterday I included a recipe for mangos in my matcha post. It so happened that yesterday, my friend Sean also unfortunately sliced his finger while trying to cut a mango…a discussion ensued and one of Sean's friends mentioned that there is actually a kitchen gadget designed to do nothing but cut mangos while saving your fingers. Well, it also saves time and mess.
Mangos are one of my favorite fruits, and they're packed with nutrition, but I just haven't eaten as many as I'd like because of the messiness factor, not to mention the fact that I can be a bit of a klutz in the kitchen. I do buy frozen mango chunks at Trader Joe's, but that's just not as tasty as the fresh, real fruit.
It doesn't matter how healthy a food is, if it is high-maintenance in any way, it's unlikely to have potential as part of your personal health toolkit.
So on behalf of safety-conscious mango lovers everywhere, here is a link to information where you can find your own personal mango cutter.
Here are a few great mango recipes to encourage you to use the gadget once it arrives in the mail!

Mango Vegetable Curry
Sauteed Asparagus with Mangoes
Manto Fish and Chips
And Sean, hope you feel better soon!