Gotta love the Fresh and Easy demos. Yesterday Steven had a great sample of individually packed Mountain Mix.
As you can see, it contains pumpkin seeds (pepitas), dried cranberries, almonds, cashews, peanuts, raisins, and a few chocolate chips.
The mix comes in individually packaged 210 calorie portions.
I know, I know, you're reading this thinking,"I can make that myself, no need to buy!" Yes, you can, and I encourage you to get in the habit. This is one of those items you might want to consider having on hand for those times when your day is busy, you need to throw something in your purse or daypack, and time in the kitchen simply isn't going to go on the list. It's great for traveling, to pull out of your gym bag after a workout, or to get in on a morning when you just didn't get around to eating breakfast.
And…if you're someone for whom portion sizes with foods like trail mix are an issue, the prepackaged presentation is a subtle mindfulness reminder that you're done with the portion you aim to respect.
The more you prepare yourself for success, the more likely success is what will come knocking at your door.