We had a great professional webinar yesterday with Sally Hara, who is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, and a certified diabetes educator. She taught us all about two really important kinds of resistance that affect your wellness: (1) insulin resistance, and (2) exercise resistance. Yes, the resistance to doing anything that involves elevating your heart rate. Honestly, it's the bigger of your two problems, because without #2, it's harder to have #1.
Sally's talk was packed with facts, not to mention inspiration! The professionals who received it are in for a great information package that they can use with their clients. If you're a professional you can purchase this presentation individually or invest in the complete training to get your copy.
If you're a woman with PCOS, the webinar is conducted at a level that is understandable. If you join the inCYST Institute for $25, you can get a copy for free.: )

I promised Sally I'd also mention, she's cycing the 109 mile El Tour de Tucson to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Here's a link for more information if you're interested in supporting her!