I've been working on an article about whether or not wild salmon is really wild. It's really driving home the point that it's not an eco-friendly idea to recommend salmon as the only source of omega-3's. It's not, at all. Everything that comes from the water has them!
Tuna is a very popular, very available fish, and I get a lot of questions about it. I don't want to delve into the mercury issue here, that's something that is easily found on the Internet. But…I do want to share something I recently learned about tuna. That is, that in most cases, it is processed on the ship that caught it, and most of the fats are boiled out of it before being canned. Yup, the fats. The omega-3's. Gone.
Fortunately, there IS tuna that is not processed that way. One of the fishermen who offers a non-boiled, sustainably caught tuna is Captain Joe Malley, who runs the fishing vessel St. Jude out of Seattle. For those of you who ARE interested in mercury, he actually posts his mercury tests on his website.
My cats and I just had some for lunch. They are still licking their whiskers and looking happy. I'd be licking whiskers too, if I had them! Captain Malley definitely gets a paws up from this kitty condo!