Click here for the top ten list of superfoods! Eat these foods and live 10 years longer!
The world has gone koo-koo for antioxidants!
I've been encouraging readers to increase their antioxidant intake, too…but did you know too many antioxidants can be a bad thing?
If you've been reading up on antioxidants, the word polyphenols may sound familiar. They are a category of antioxidants that are believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Foods high in polyphenol content routinely show up on"superfood" lists and include: tea, wine, berries, beer, grapes, olive oil, chocolate, walnuts, peanuts, and pomegranates.
Before antioxidants were trendy, they were known as tannins. In some circles, tannins were even called"anti-nutrients". They may make protein difficult to digest and absorb, and they can bind and reduce the absorption of non-heme iron, a primary source of iron for vegetarians. If you're juicing and emphasizing any of the above foods, you may also be at risk for issues with protein and iron.
I'm not sure if the the term"polyphenol" has come into vogue to increase the marketability of a compound formerly associated with nutritional problems, or if we simply have learned more about their benefits over time. The important thing is, as with every food you can choose to include in your day, balance, moderation, and respectful use are all key if you truly want to capitalize on their nutritional gifts.
Here are some simple things you can do that can allow you to capitalize on the benefits of polyphenols while minimizing the problems they pose.
1. Avoid falling into the"top ten" trap and eat a wide variety of foods. Mix things up! I like to throw a shot of pomegranate juice into my carrot juice.
2. Be sure your daily diet is adequate in vitamin C, which can help to increase iron absorption. Vitamin C sources lower in tannins include: guava, parsley, broccoli, lychee, persimmon, papaya, canteloupe, and garlic.
3. If you drink orange juice, go for the all-natural kind. Commercial brands often ADD tannins in order to increase the"pucker factor" consumers associate with their product.
4. Enjoy coffee and tea in moderation. Even the"healthy" green kind.
And remember…variety…variety…variety!