Beth sent out an update this week estimating that the very first Power Up for PCOS walk-a-thon raised over $3000! That's incredible for a first time event! Congratulations, Beth, for pulling off a successful fundraiser!
More important than the money, however, is the fact that this event brought women together in a way that provided support and inspiration to do something self-nurturing and PCOS-friendly. I'm hoping that Beth's spark will turn into a fire of PCOS networking that burns around the world.
Here is Beth with another walker, Nicole, who she befriended in the process of organizing the walk-a-thon.

Ivonne and I walked the virtual event in Phoenix. Here I am enjoying the cooler temperatures in Phoenix, along the canal behind my home!

Next on the to-do list is file our official nonprofit papers! So excited about this!
If you missed the walk, we can still use your help. I've chatted with a couple of researchers, and even the simplest of studies will cost $50,000 minimum to fund. We have an achievable goal, that will happen more quickly the more of you donate. Even the smallest gift matters…and if money is not something you have to spare, Beth has plenty of opportunities for you to donate your time. Please visit her website at
Thanks to every person and organization who helped to make our first walk-a-thon a success!