You know you're a little obsessed with omega-3's when the manager of your local TJ's recognizes you walking in the door and takes you to see a new product. That's ok, it's an obsession that seems to be helping others and it's fun to learn about new and fun ways to get back into nutritional balance!
This time, the product is Omega Orange Carrot Juice from Trader Joe's. It's actually a blend of several juices with the predominant flavor being carrot. One serving has 50 mg DHA. And, unbelievably, it comes from sardines!
I had to try it, so I brought some home. It was tasty! I asked a friend to try it, one whose tastes differ from mine, and it received a second thumbs up. We also tried it blended with 50% with orange juice and that was good as well. It looked kind of like a tequila sunrise as the two colors swirled around each other while we poured our drinks.
The manager who introduced me to this product told me he had a moment of panic when there was a shipping error and he had 100 cases of this juice on his hands. He was concerned people wouldn't want it. So he put his demo people to work concocting ways to serve it. He learned that no matter what they did, plain juice, or blended into a smoothie, it flew off the shelves. I am thinking for anyone doing any baking it would be a great thing to add to muffins or banana bread.
Of course, it's juice, which means it does have calories and carbohydrates, so you still have to watch the portions. But it's such a simple way to add more omega-3's to your diet, simply by switching out calories that were already there, with calories that add even more nutrition.
Give it a try, you might be surprised at how fishless this product actually tastes!