Dear Potential Sponsor,
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that is thought to affect nearly 20% of all females in the world (1 in 5 women). It is a cluster of complicated symptoms that are not the same for every woman. Women can also have symptoms but may not necessarily have cysts on their ovaries. It is believed to be fundamentally caused by insensitivity to the hormone insulin.
We would like to give you an opportunity to show your support again or maybe for the first time to Power Up for PCOS and InCYST Institute for Hormone Health. Your generous contribution will help Power Up for PCOS to continue to support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups and building connections with other PCOS women and to the InCYST Institute for Hormone Health to help fund research about these hormone disorders, especially PCOS and will focus on alternative/nutritional/complementary treatments that are difficult to find funding for.
Please note that Power Up for PCOS is NOT a non-profit organization and any contribution is NOT tax-deductible because of the amount of money that would be required to become a non-profit. We keep only what we need to run and the rest collected is given to inCYST Institute for Hormone Health. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please make your payments to InCYST Institute for Hormone Health through http://www.incyst.com.
We have 3 levels of sponsorship so that you may choose which level best suits your needs. To see the details of each level and to become a sponsor, please visit http://www.powerupforpcos.com/sponsor.
We also welcome sponsors on the local level. If you are interested in providing supplies for one of our local events, like water, healthy snacks, signage and such, please contact us at Info@powerupforpcos.com. We will determine a value and give you the sponsorship level that matches.
Do you have a great product that can help with some of the PCOS symptoms? We are always in search of good items to add to our goody bags to pass along to our fellow PCOS women. Coupons, samples, products and such are welcome. We are providing goody bags to the first 25 women this year plus our volunteers so we are planning on 30 of each item. Please contact us at info@powerupforpcos.com for more information.
Thanks for your generous support!
Thank You,
The Power Up for PCOS Team
810 — 545 — PCOS (7267)