Several years ago, I heard inCYSTer Karen Siegel speak about she treats PCOS. Karen is a registered dietitian with two master's degrees, and she is also a licensed acupuncturist. She taught in her presentation that many women with PCOS, in the language of Chinese medicine, have what is called"damp spleen" presentation. I am not an expert in Chinese medicine, but what I do wish to clarify here, is that this name really doesn't have much to do with your spleen…so don't get too caught up in that nomenclature.
What is important to note, is that if damp spleen is your presentation, you may not do well with all raw foods. I've heard this from several acupuncturists and it's pretty easily found on the Internet. Meaning your salads and primarily"raw" diet may be counterproductive to your wellness.
It is a little bit more complicated than that, it's not an all-or-nothing issue. I found a nice summary for anyone who is interested in more information.
If you haven't had much success with salads and raw foods, and it's been discouraging, perhaps you might benefit from visiting an acupuncturist for an evaluation and to learn how to best use raw foods in your diet. It may be the missing link!