Anyone who has been to a Whole Foods class knows how much I hate what I call the"crunchy aisle"--the place where chips and snacks are located. That's because even in a place like Whole Foods, the oils used in these snacks are the kind we're trying to discourage. Those dreaded"S" and"C" oils.
There's a company in Phoenix that has slowly building a following through Whole Foods, AJ's, and the local farmer's markets that deserves attention. If you're in Phoenix, I encourage you to try them…perhaps if we can help them succeed here, they can offer their good stuff in other markets where we're promoting inCYST!
Dr. Hummus is a brand of hummous that is tahini-free. Meaning it is sesame-oil free. The owner of this company has done this primarily for people with food allergies, but it turns out this helps make its fatty acid balance more in line with what inCYST encourages.
Secondly, the good mediterranean doctor has created a line of pita chips fried in canola oil. Not safflower, sunflower, soybean, or any of the other oils that always cause me to put other crunchy possibilities on the shelf. But canola oil! Again, this was done not for any"healthy" reason, but because in testing all the other oils, the product that ended up having the most acceptable flavor…ended up being the one with one of the healthier oils.
Which has been inCYST's argument all along! When you eat good food, it is often healthier food.
One caveat, even healthy oils can be detrimental in large quantities. A serving size of Dr. Hummus chips is still 10 chips, not the entire container.
If you're in Arizona and you're looking for a great snack, or even lunch, consider Dr. Hummus. If you're not in Arizona, the ingredient guidelines you read here can be applied to your own local hummous maker. There are many brands and flavors that can, as we can attest to here in the desert, make your eating adventure fun as well as healthy.