Last night I was cruising the aisles of Whole Foods looking for ideas to talk about in inCYST class. And it jumped out at me. Tabouli! I love tabouli! I love it during the summer because I don't have to heat up my kitchen in order to have a really nice meal. And it's so pretty, with all the vegetables in it. How in the world could I have gotten this far into the summer without remembering to make tabouli?
Tabouli is made with bulgur wheat, which you can buy in most bulk food sections of grocery stores. If you are a tabouli virgin, you can always find the boxed tabouli mix in the rice/grain section of your local grocery store, and the recipe for making it is almost always right on the side of the box.
Nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than tabouli salad in a whole wheat pita with some melon slices on the side.
Here's a recipe if you're ready to try it!