If you or someone you know is an employee of Sony Pictures Studios, and you've been looking for someone to talk to about nutrition and lifestyle approaches for any of the following situations:
better skin
insomnia and sleep disorders
gastric bypass surgery
high cholesterol
metabolic syndrome X
irritable bowel syndrome
eating disorders
Come to the Sony Pictures Studios Health and Wellness Fair and meet Dori Zerlin, MS, RD
Dori will be offering free nutrition consultations on the following dates, for the following issues:
July 8, 2008 12 pm — 4 pm Nutrition and Healthy Skin
August 5, 2008 12 pm — 4 pm Nutrition for Better Sleep
September 9, 2008 12 pm — 4 pm Ideas for Healthy Dining Out
To meet Dori, and/or sign up for one of these free sessions or arrange for a personal consultation, visit the Sony Pictures Studios Athletic Club, Tuesday, June 10, 2008, between 11:00 am and 2:30 pm.
If you can't make this event and you would like to make an appointment with Dori, contact her at dzerlin@gmail.com.