PCOS can be devastating in so many ways, but it doesn't have to dictate life. In the midst of such an endocrine storm there can be hope and healing. I shared my story before of being a Registered Dietitian with PCOS. My struggle is not unlike others. I suffered through infertility and miscarriage which lead to severe depression; but by God's grace I overcame it. My sincere wish is to offer you a different perspective on PCOS, one with hope.
I see it time and time again with my patients. Women diagnosed with PCOS and their obsession to have a baby. It overtakes them. It overtook me. The desire and yearning to have a child envelopes one to the point where it controls life. If you've been through this, you understand what I am describing. Stress becomes a constant companion. You become crazed with counting days, planning relations at the exact time, to obsessing over blood levels. Shouldn't this whole baby-making-thing be fun?! I was so consumed with getting pregnant that my lifestyle became my roadblock to fertility. The stress was too much. I reached a point of total exhaustion, physically, emotionall, physically and financially. I was literally spent. Have you reached that wall? It was not until I came to the point of accepting my current status, that I was able to see things more clearly.
Our first son came miraculously. When you are told you will never conceive on your own, hope seems to disappear. But the great thing about hope is that it never dies. I conceived the old fashion way but had a pregnancy laden with complications. From gestational diabetes, to preterm labor, to my c-section incision reopening, and failure to breastfeed, I pretty much had most of the textbook complications. Thankfully, our son was born perfectly healthy and is turning 5 in a few days. Of course, the yearning for another child came shortly after and again the"wait" began.
I could feel the old obsession rearing its ugly head and I desperately did not want to live like that again. Miraculously, I met Monika Woolsey and the PCOS puzzle pieces fell into place. I changed my focus and began to dedicate myself to a healthier lifestyle. I purposed in my heart to become healthier so that when that perfect time came again, I was prepared to give my baby the best possible environment to grow in. Omega 3's are gifts from Heaven! My regimen became one of fish oil supplements, healthier way of eating and truly taking time to"smell the roses". I looked at exercise differently. I enjoyed doing it and it paid off! I lost 40 pounds and kept it off. A little over a year later, surprise! I found out I was pregnant; another miracle. Our second son is due in mid August and this pregnancy has been much healthier.
There is no quick fix or magic pill to guarentee a child. However, hold onto hope. There is always hope. My children are miracles. My oldest son because of being told I would never conceive on my own. I trust in a greater physician and He saw fit to bless me with a baby. My youngest son because we weren't sure if my husband could father any more children after having a kidney transplant in 2005. Again, God had different plans. Perhaps a perspective adjustment might be all you need. Never give up hope, it endures.
Marie Mariano RD, LDN, CDE
Hannah's Heart Ministries
p.o. box 3304
Boardman, OH 44513