If you look to the right, you'll see an ad for Green Mountain at Fox Run, our sponsor on this blog. I wanted you all to get to know them, since they're not your typical weight spa and they're not your typical program. So I sent them a few questions. Here's what they shared. And if you want to learn more, just click their ad to get to their website.
The photo I chose is of Ludlow, Vermont, where Green Mountain at Fox Run is located. No matter what time of year you choose to go, it is breathtaking, a perfect place to step out of life for a bit and recharge your PCOS battery.
1. How did GMFR develop its interest in PCOS?
It's a pretty common problem for the women for come to Green Mountain. Although many of them aren't diagnosed with the problem before they come to us, we recognize the signs/symptoms and are able to help them explore whether they do indeed have PCOS. Our awareness of PCOS has allowed us to help our participants much more effectively as a result. We also feel it is very important to educate women on this subject so they can be proactive in discussing signs/symptoms with their healthcare providers.
2. Do you have a specific program for PCOS? If not…how do the programs you have help with PCOS?
We do offer a workshop on the topic and also offer individual consultations for any of our participants who either have been diagnosed with PCOS or are questioning whether they have it. Our whole program, however, is designed to combat insulin resistance, from the physical activity classes to what we serve in the dining room. This, of course, while also presenting a livable approach to healthy living that feels great, makes a real difference in our health and helps us feel better about ourselves and our bodies.
3. Can you share a success story of someone with PCOS who visited GMFR?
Before going to Green Mountain, I had a lot health concerns associated with having PCOS. I felt like there was nothing in my power to change my situation. I’d had no success losing weight and felt tired and drained all the time. I hadn’t had a regular cycle in over 6 months and had serious concerns about fertility in the future. While at Green Mountain, I learned how to not hate my body for “failing” me. I learned how to motivate myself and how to make my body work for me, not against me. With Green Mountain’s help, I have taken control of my PCOS and become proactive in my quest for healthy living. M.L., Texas
4. What's for dinner tonight?: )
Panko-Encrusted Fillet of Cod with Basil Aioli
Red Onion & Herb Quinoa
Gingered Carrots
Strawberry-Maple Parfait