One of our vegan readers wrote and asked if I had a list of options for protein. This is a copy of a list I compiled for a local vegetarian eating class I teach. Hope it is helpful! Numbers in the far right column are in grams. This is not a comprehensive list. I recognize that nuts are not on here, for example. The purpose of this list is for you to become familiar with a collection of foods you may be familiar with but not know the protein content, and to be introduced to a few new players.
Have fun!
Blackeyed peas 1 cup 14
Cannellini 1 cup 17
Cranberry bean 1 cup 17
Fava bean 1 cup 13
Garbanzo beans 1 cup 15
Great Northern 1 cup 15
Green peas 1 cup 9
Kidney beans 1 cup 15
Lentils 1 cup 18
Lima beans 1 cup 15
Mung beans 1 cup 14
Navy beans 1 cup 16
Pink beans 1 cup 15
Pinto beans 1 cup 14
Soybeans 1 cup 29
Split peas 1 cup 16
Amaranth 1 cup 7
Barley flakes 1 cup 4
Barley pearls 1 cup 4
Buckwheat groats 1 cup 5
Cornmeal 1 cup 3
Millet 1 cup 3
Oat groats 1 cup 8
Oat bran 1 cup 6
Quinoa 1 cup 7
Brown rice 1 cup 5
White rice 1 cup 4
Wild rice 1 cup 4
Rye berries 1 cup 7
Rye flakes 1 cup 7
Spelt berries 1 cup 6
Teff 1 cup 5
Triticale 1 cup 6
Wheat berries 1 cup 25
Cous cous 1 cup 6
Bulgur wheat 1 cup 5
Boca burger 1 13
White wave seitan 3 oz 31
Corn grits 1/2 cup 6
7 grain cereal 1/2 cup 8
Bob's 8 grain 1/2 cup 8
Bob's 10 grain 1/2 cup 12
Bob's Kamut 1/2 cup 10
Bob's Triticale 1/2 cup 8
Cream of Rye 1/2 cup 10
Kashi 1/2 cup 12
Mother's Multigrain 1/2 cup 10
Quaker Oats 1/2 cup 10
Quinoa Flakes 1/2 cup 6
Roman Meal 1/2 cup 10
Wheatena 1/2 cup 10