The Hemp Connection + time to be

Is your insomnia costing you your hair?

The more I read about melatonin the more I think I should have majored in sleep instead of nutrition. Just ran across a research abstract reviewing the many effects melatonin, our sleep hormone, has on hair health.

In addition to being a potent antioxidant, which means it destroys compounds that promote the many symptoms of PCOS, melatonin reduces apoptosis, a process which kills cells in the body.

It's really important to value your sleep. Not getting it is not a sign of drive…or superiority…or success…or a glamorous lifestyle…losing sleep is something you do that accelerates aging and promotes all the nasty things you've come to hate about PCOS. Those of you who are losing hair to your PCOS…should take this very seriously!!!

Fischer TW, Slominski A, Tobin DJ, Paus R. Melatonin and the hair follicle. J Pineal Res. 2008 Jan;44(1):1-15.

antioxidant, apoptosis, hair, healthy body, melatonin, nutrition, sleep, and more:

Is your insomnia costing you your hair? + time to be