The Hemp Connection + tips

FREE! Fertility Friendly Food Tour, Scottsdale Whole Foods, this coming Thurssday

Hello everyone…

…if you are in Scottsdale and you'd like an introduction to how inCYST works, this free event is your opportunity! Here is more information for you.

Just a note, the marketing manager was a little frustrated this morning when, instead of getting people to sign up to come to this event, they were writing her asking her to just email the handouts.

For those of you in the PCOS Community who are wanting support from others, it is important to understand that you must make it worth their while to do so. It took a year and a half of networking and planning to even make this event happen.

When women write in and ask a newcomer on the scene to essentially do all the work without taking the time to come express appreciation for her effort to connect and provide support…it doesn't really encourage that person to continue to schedule events or want to be sympathetic. We can offer ideas and support, but in order for them to help you…you need to make the choice to do your fair share of participating!

We are offering this session for free as we know the economy is tough, many of you are financially tapped out from other medical expenses, and we wanted to give you an opportunity to test drive the program before making any more investment. This is a very special opportunity and I hope at least some of you choose to come join us Thursday evening.

Please come out and show Whole Foods that there truly is a need for more community support of PCOS.

You must RSVP at to reserve your spot. Whole Foods does close classes if they fill so if this is important please do so ASAP.


food, life, and more:

FREE! Fertility Friendly Food Tour, Scottsdale Whole Foods, this coming Thurssday + tips